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Saturday, September 03, 2005

What If?

1. Why does the media still continue to call those evacuating Louisiana, refugees? Watching their own shows I saw several times when the people stated they hated the term "refugee". It made them feel, worse than they already did. They are our fellow Americans who are having to evacuate their homes. Hardy a refugee.

2. Congress give up your pork in the budget and direct it to the Gulf States.

3. Special interests groups on both sides of the aisle. It's time to stop paying for advertising to attack the other party. Instead of propagating hate, propagate love, by sending your ad dollars to the Gulf States.

4. Geraldo Rivera, calm down, you looked a tad on the crazy side last night at the Convention Center. I mean moving 100,000+ people out of Louisiana is something that could take at least 7-8 days. Especially with all the rescue situations. Why do we expect it to be finished in 4?

5. Everybody quit blaming the other people. This is a horrific disaster and I think everybody is trying as hard as they can to help. I don't think we've had much practice at this one.

6. Lastly, PRAY! There will be some heartache, losses, illness, people being separated, lonely people, displaced people, and pain that we can not even imagine.


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