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Friday, August 19, 2005

Thought for the Day

Cindy Sheehan has become just another food stain on Michael Moore's shirt.

Quotes from Sheehan:

"If George Bush believes his rhetoric and his bullshit, that this is a war for freedom and democracy, that he is spreading freedom and democracy, does he think every person he kills makes Iraq more free?" "The whole world is damaged. Our humanity is damaged. If he thinks that it’s so important for Iraq to have a U.S.-imposed sense of freedom and democracy, then he needs to sign up his two little party-animal girls. They need to go to this war." "We want our country back and, if we have to impeach everybody from George Bush down to the person who picks up dog shit in Washington, we will impeach all those people."

Nice mouth Cindy, now I know why you are attracted to the Michael Moore web site. You two make a fine couple.


Blogger barry bonds said...

Now she can marry Moore since her husband divorced her because of this.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Ty Epling said...

Support is on the way to Crawford. It will not get the coverage that Circus Cindy gets from MSM.
Texas is BIG COUNTRY. Time to rally round down there my friends.

2:18 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

richie, go to GOP site and their are feeds on the site........under action items.........I'll have to look....but it is there, and you copy them and paste them on your blog! :)


6:52 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

acid h:

need a history and spelling lesson :)

North Korea worse? I don't think so, North Korea is not a threat and never will be, as we can control that country, if it ever got to the point that we needed to,
with one push of a button.

If you knew your history acidh, you would know, that Iraq, on the other hand, was the perfect target at the perfect time, on this war on terror.

7:26 PM  
Blogger yeah said...

do u know what how can u say a country that has nukes and hates us and is closer than iraq is less dangerous and fuck spelling i dont need it u get what i mean and thats all that matters and iraq the war on terror i agree with the occupatation of afganastan but iraq wasn't the source of the terrorist attacks on our contry

9:45 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

No but Saddam Hussein was cutting the check for the terrorists, and we are not occupying Afgahnistan, we are only offering military support.

10:46 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

Cindy's son was over 18. Cindy's son loved serving his country.

I respect and feel for the loss any mother would have over losing a son.

However, my respect waned when I learned that Cindy was working alongside Michael Moore and liberal groups were feeding her sound bites.

The President has met with Cindy, and at the first meeting, Cindy was interviewed, and guess what, her rhetoric was quite different.

Cindy Sheehan is being used. Her son's death is being used. To me this is sad.

Do I think President Bush should meet with Cindy Sheehan? Absolutely not! I would rather him vist VA hospitals, the grave sites of soldiers, the troops at bases across America, people devasted from Katrina.

Most of Cindy Sheehan's family has called her an embarrassment.

I call her a food stain on Michael Moore's Tee Shirt, because she is just another one of his victims he has used to bring down this country.

2:49 PM  

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