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Sunday, September 11, 2005

NewsMax Article

1. Al-Qaida Plan: Islamic World in 15 Years
Al-Qaida has a master plan to take over the world and turn it into an Islamic state - by the year 2020.
Wishful thinking? Not in the minds of the top terrorist lieutenants interviewed by Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein for a new book - including Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, mastermind of many atrocities in Iraq.
The plan, which is revealed for the first time in the Australian publication The Age, has seven phases:
Phase 1: The "awakening" in the consciousness of Muslims around the world following the 9/11 attacks, which were aimed at provoking the U.S. into declaring war on the Islamic world and mobilizing Islamic radicals.
Phase 2: "Opening eyes," the current period, which should last until 2006. Hussein said the terrorists hope to make the "Western conspiracy" aware of the "Islamic community" as al-Qaida continues to form its secret battalions.
Phase 3: "Arising and standing up," which should last until 2010 and bring increasingly frequent attacks against secular Turkey and archenemy Israel.
Phase 4: Lasting until 2013, this phase will see the fall of hated Arab regimes, including Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Oil suppliers will be attacked and the U.S. economy will be targeted with cyber terrorism.
Phase 5: An Islamic state, or caliphate, can be declared between 2013 and 2016.
Phase 6: "Total confrontation," beginning in 2016, will see the Islamic army begin the "fight between the believers and the non-believers" that has been predicted by Osama bin Laden.
Phase 7: "Definitive victory."
Hussein writes that this phase should be completed by 2020, and that the terrorists believe the caliphate will prove victorious because the rest of the world will be beaten down by an army of "one and a half billion Muslims." -NewsMax

Yesterday, a Moslem terrorist from California, had his tape of terror played on ABC News, after it was delivered in Pakistan. His threats were clear, California and Australia were next.

To my liberal friends, a warning: this is your enemy, not President Bush.

A united America against a common enemy is a strong America. A divided America, will fall. It is time that you all fought the real enemy with the same energy and voice you attack the President every hour of the day.


Blogger IX said...

Maddie, you are absolutely right. But, as a Lefty (literally, and politically) I do not believe that Jr. is doing what is in our best interest. There are tactics and policies that can be implemented that do not step on our freedoms as a democracy. The policies that I see coming from the Jr. Administration are more Capitolist and Corporate than Democratic.

Again, I do not (and most liberals I know feel the same way) see Jr. as the enimy. We just don't think that he's doing a good job.

If you were to ask a liberal if they HAD to choose a gun. You might find that most would choose a sniper rifle. Not a cannon.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

Just courious, what freedoms of yours have been stepped on Rob?

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neat plans. They have to have these because their creation was a plan.

Bush is not much of an issue other than he got into office with his pal's WMD degree and they're both adults. Bush was put in by the Dems, who got the world used to alot of free money and that is why America will fall. Dems always sell out when someone says UN. They have no interest in a strong America and will write checks to be popular globally.

The terrorists are thanking a couple of countries for their creation and that is not what will break America; it will be more Dems selling out America to the UN and foreign countries. Simple plan for every intelligence service in the world: its all about the money they can squeeze out of the US before they are humbled; this is what most countries have always wanted. Clinton was their tool and the Dems answer was Bush and WMD. The next Dem President can't realy promise money, so might as well go for the humbling and some cash using the affects.

Maddie, you are absolutley right. but as a conservative I do believe in dating and this may be in the world's best interest.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

Thanks lovin i will! Thanks for stopping by

8:13 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

LOL, sometimes ya just have to post pics like that when you have a man like Howard Dean spouting about that George Bush and Judge Roberts do not love the American people. LOL

9:54 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

2) When assailing Cindy Sheehan, you never answered this question that I asked you in another of my posts: Do you think Cindy Sheehan should have buckled over in laughter when Bush did his comedy bit at the White House Press dinner where he mocked not finding any WMDs? Would you find that funny if you lost a child in that

Get a Sense of Humor! Know your audience, that was a press Corps dinner and he was slamming the press. President Bush knows that there were and are WMD. So does the UN, President Clinton, etc. The absence of WMD; proves nothing.
How can liberals who once knew of WMD accuse of no WMD.

BIBLE BOY? what's that?

you said: I remember that when Clinton was president our country entered into a well thought out war, with a well planned post-war plan

i say: Somalia?

you said
Wipe the Kool-Aid off your chin, Maddie. Your constant "right-wing lefty bashing" act is wearing thin

I say:

Hey if you don't like it don't visit.

you said:I don’t hear you lambasting Rush or Sean for making these accusations daily.

I say:

Now why would I do that? I love those guys! Also a fan of Savage and Boortz! I have at times gotten a kick out of Alan Combes radio show, when he stays off the topic of politics

12:21 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

2) When assailing Cindy Sheehan, you never answered this question that I asked you in another of my posts: Do you think Cindy Sheehan should have buckled over in laughter when Bush did his comedy bit at the White House Press dinner where he mocked not finding any WMDs? Would you find that funny if you lost a child in that

Get a Sense of Humor! Know your audience, that was a press Corps dinner and he was slamming the press. President Bush knows that there were and are WMD. So does the UN, President Clinton, etc. The absence of WMD; proves nothing.
How can liberals who once knew of WMD accuse of no WMD.

BIBLE BOY? what's that?

you said: I remember that when Clinton was president our country entered into a well thought out war, with a well planned post-war plan

i say: Somalia?

you said
Wipe the Kool-Aid off your chin, Maddie. Your constant "right-wing lefty bashing" act is wearing thin

I say:

Hey if you don't like it don't visit.

you said:I don’t hear you lambasting Rush or Sean for making these accusations daily.

I say:

Now why would I do that? I love those guys! Also a fan of Savage and Boortz! I have at times gotten a kick out of Alan Combes radio show, when he stays off the topic of politics

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous #1 has said it all...openmind has come to start a discussion (and point out some shortcomings of Maddie's "arguements")...but all we've seen so far are feeble attempts at responses.

Maddie--while I appreciate that you likely believe that your top interest is politics (as your *about me* page points out), perhaps you should look into wha "politics" really means...

Politics: The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.

In reading most of your postings, it seems that you are more interested in blindly bashing those who don't share your views, and only defending who you see as the good guys.

Unfortunately most of the Americans that still care about the recent decline of our country--as evidenced in the recent Katrina events--no longer see a unified government...but a house divided so vehemently that the machine will soon grind to a halt. Just look at how Katrina victims and their needs are silenced by the media's coverage of who-said-what and who-failed-where. Finger pointing is not going to help our fellow Americans in need...but that is not the point.

I am glad that you have a forum for spilling your thoughts for the world to see...just consider that many of them may not be right. WMDs don't exist in Iraq...only a handfull of countries including the US. I have a great sense of humor and never will I laugh at Bush's "joke" about his ignorance. Somalia was a mistake and a reletive handful of soldier's lives were lost. 200 people were killed in Iraq TODAY alone. Thousands of American soldiers have be killed or injured including some of my dear friends...

Support whomever you please...it is your right. But, to quote the pop culture idiot-of-the-month, Tom Cruise--do your research.

6:03 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

"Somalia was a mistake and a reletive handful of soldier's lives were lost. "

ANon: your quote above says it all about how you think.

8:29 AM  
Blogger Michele said...


Somalia was a disaster because only though a relatively few number of soldiers died, the political symbol it became caused more harm to our troops and country.

It represented a weak America. An America that would not risk public opinion to do what is right. Back up for those soldiers or continuing with what would of been a right way to handle the situation, was too much of a political risk.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

Wow, Yes I'm really concerned about the extreme Islamic threat in Africa.

so far:
Darfur Peace and Accountability Act

In the past few weeks, the Senate and the House of Representatives introduced new legislation on Darfur. Entitled the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act by both bodies of Congress, the bills were introduced by strong bipartisan coalitions. The bill currently has 33 co-sponsors in the House and 16 co-sponsors in the Senate.

The introduction of this legislation is an important next step in the United States taking more aggressive action to end the genocide in Darfur.

You can learn more about HR 3127 or view the entire bill.

You can learn more about S 1462 or view the entire bill.

Approved Legislation

National Weekend of Prayer and Reflection for Darfur
Senate Resolution 186
Proposed June 16, 2005 by Senators Brownback (R-KS) and Sen. Corzine (D-NJ)
Passed July 1, 2005 in Senate by unanimous consent.
See cosponsors here.

House Resolution 333
Proposed June 20, 2005 by Representatives Payne (D-NJ), Tancredo (R-CO), Wexler (D-FL), Wolf (R-VA), Lantos (D-CA), Smith (D-NJ), Rangel (D-NY), Conyers (D-MI), Lee (D-CA)
Passed July 11, 2005 in House by unanimous consent
See cosponsors here.

In both the House and Senate, these bills call for a National Weekend of Prayer and Reflection for Darfur. They encourage churches, synagogues, mosques, religious institutions and all Americans to consider Darfur in their activities on this weekend and to pray for an end to the genocide and crimes against humanity in Darfur.

Amendment to the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (HR 1268) Amendment approved May 1, 2005 by a Joint Conference Committee
HR 1268 made law May 11, 2005 when signed by the President

Contained in HR 1268 are amendments allocating funds to humanitarian and security efforts in Darfur, including:
$45 million for international disaster and famine assistance for Sudan
$55 million for the peacekeeping operations in Darfur and the establishment and operation of a Sudan war crimes tribunal
Declaration of Genocide in Darfur (H.Con.Res.467)
Passed September 7, 2004 in the House of Representatives

The House unanimously passed H.Con.Res.467 to declare atrocities occurring in Darfur “genocide.” In addition, it called upon the US to do the following:
assume responsibility to act and stop genocide as mandated by the 1948 UN Genocide Convention;
consider leading a multilateral or even unilateral intervention to stop violence in Darfur;
impose sanctions, visa bans, and asset freezes on the Sudanese Congress and individual leaders of genocide in Darfur;
establish a Darfur Resettlement, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction Fund so that those driven off their land may return and begin to rebuild their communities.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

First of all, I don't agree with everything Bush does. But I don't see that kerry would of done a better job.

REgarding Dafur, heartbreaking!

2:20 PM  

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