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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

From the Associated Press
November 4, 2006

JAKARTA, INDONESIA — Three Muslim men have been charged in the beheadings of three Christian girls in an Indonesian province fraught with sectarian tension, and the suspects could face death sentences if convicted, lawyers said Friday.

YA THIS IS A GLOBAL WAR! GET THAT LIBERALS..........G L O B A L........Iraq, Afgahnistan, Indonesia, Iran, North Korea, Rawanda, Kenya, England, Spain.......

Wake up and smell the Blood Pelosi, Kerry, Murtha...............


Blogger Michele said...

No, but one should be aware of what is going on.......Pelosi thinks the war on terrorism is in Afgahnistan...it's all over the world......

Not exploiting......I'm honoring; Her death represents what more will be threatened with if we don't win this war.......

I hope people see this and understand the extent to which this enemy will go for their ALLAH and world quest

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when CNN shows video of people sniping American GIs, you consider that wrong, even though people should "understand the extent to which this enemy will go for their ALLAH and world quest" (your own words). Yet you will personally put up a picture of a decapitated child in an attempt to show the same thing, while also trying to make people think the "libs" will allow this. That, my stupid friend, is pathetic and hypocritical.

I can't state enough how people like you are the reason the GOP lost this election. Not inspite of enough people like you, but BECAUSE of people like you. How does President Pelosi sound to you know?

Well done.

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when CNN shows video of people sniping American GIs, you consider that wrong, even though people should "understand the extent to which this enemy will go for their ALLAH and world quest" (your own words). Yet you will personally put up a picture of a decapitated child in an attempt to show the same thing, while also trying to make people think the "libs" will allow this. That, my stupid friend, is pathetic and hypocritical.

I can't state enough how people like you are the reason the GOP lost this election. Not in spite of enough people like you, but BECAUSE of people like you. How does President Pelosi sound to you know?

Well done.

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Show some class and remove the picture. As a parent, I'd never want my child's picture shown like this. You obviously have no children.

2:24 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

President Pelosi?......scarey

How does it sound to you?


5:25 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

Have I ever commented on CNN? However they are a major news television source viewed world wide...I'm just a lonely blogger lol, with an audience of a few crazy libs......who get a kick out of calling me names........

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You commented on the CNN story with Lynne Cheney about that very issue. Who puts your pants on for you in the morning?

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, it doesn't take too much time to read your postings in here and on the GOP blog to find you calling Democrats all kinds of different names or accusing them of horrible things, so save your "holier than thou" act.

6:58 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

LOL, I ran quotes from Lynn and Wolf..........no comment made

everyone can draw their own conclusion.....

LOL, accusing them of horrible things like what? raising taxes?
cut and run?


10:44 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

i do have a child, and if my son were beheaded........I would want the world to see what evil does.....

I would not want it hidden. People need to see what is going on....if more people did, they would be prepared to stay and fight in Iraq.

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you agree that it was a bullshit move for Bush to make pictures of the caskets of returning soldiers illegal?

5:25 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

A Pentagon spokeswoman said the military-wide policy actually dates from about November 2000 -- the last days of the Clinton administration -- but it apparently went unheeded and unenforced, as images of caskets returning from the Afghanistan war appeared on television broadcasts and in newspapers until early this year. Though Dover Air Force Base, which has the military's largest mortuary, has had restrictions for 12 years, others "may not have been familiar with the policy," the spokeswoman said. This year, "we've really tried to enforce it."

Clinton's policy

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not a matter of whose policy it is, I'm asking whether you are against it (i.e. consistent). Since an innocent beheaded child can be exploited by you, I assume you are against the ban on pictures of soldiers returning in caskets.

12:08 AM  

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