Another Great EMail from my Friend Bonnie
The Democrats new promise "A New Direction For America - Vote Democratic”
The stock market is at a new all-time high and America 's 401K's are back.
A new direction from there means, what?
Unemployment is at 25 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?
Oil prices are plummeting.
A new direction from there means, what?
Taxes are at 20 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?
Federal tax revenues are at all-time highs.
A new direction from there means, what?
The Federal deficit is down almost 50%, just as predicted over last year.
A new direction from there means. what?
Home valuations are up 200% over the past 3.5 years.
A new direction from there means, what?
Inflation is in check, hovering at 20 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?
Not a single terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11/01.
A new direction from there means, what?
Osama bin Laden is living under a rock in a dark cave, having not surfaced in years, if he's alive at all, while 95% of Al Queda's top dogs are either dead or in custody, cooperating with US Intel.
A new direction from there means, what?
Several major terrorist attacks already thwarted by US and British Intel, including the recent planned attack involving 10 Jumbo Jets being exploded in mid-air over major US cities in order to celebrate the anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks.
A new direction from there means, what?
Just as President Bush foretold us of on a number of occasions, Iraq was to be made "ground zero" for the war on terrorism -- and just as President Bush said they would, terrorist cells from all over the region are arriving from the shadows of their hiding places and flooding into Iraq in order to get their faces blown off by US Marines rather than boarding planes and heading to the United States to wage war on us here.
A new direction from there means, what?
Moreover, bear in mind that all of the above occurred in the face of the 1999 tech crash, the epidemic of corporate scandals throughout the 90's, and the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks on NYC years in the planning , which collectively sucked 24 trillions dollars and 7.8 million jobs out of the US economy even before G. W. Bush had time to unpack his suitcases in the White House. It's easy to attempt to discredit, disgrace and defame our commander in chief, George W. Bush; what's not so easy to do is to refute irrefutable facts, no matter how they might try.
Do yourself and this country of ours a favor and don't be a mindless sheep, bent on hate and blame-shifting simply in the name of hate and blame-shifting. Take heed of reality, use your head and do cast your vote wisely in the upcoming elections. The stakes are far too high today, as America 's very future, and yes, even its very survival is now at stake!
Yes, I said even our very survival is at stake.
Friendly, but not OVERLY-friendly
There is help for you!
If you are among the 16% who still believe the Neonazicons' conspiracy theory about 9/11, YOU CAN BE HELPED! Simply click on the links below to read the scientific debunking of the Bush pseudoscience fairytale about the WTC 9/11 atrocity.
WTC7 Explained? I Don't Think So
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 "....MY major complaint is that there is a very disturbing credulity on the part of Roberts and his ilk (the Screw Loose Change gang) about WTC7 and the official 9/11 story in general. A HUGE 47 story office building sinks down in a symmetrical fashion, essentially at free-fall speed, and collapses into a very neat little pile-- and it's like: hey no problem! It's normal! People who question it are kooks! "Obviously, I DON'T THINK SO. "Here is what I say about WTC7:"
[You can "buzz" this at ]
E L E C T M O M !!!
"We won't change what's going on in Washington until we change the people we send there." -- Wendy Wilde
1) Play fair
The American dream is for everyone. Let's stop unfair tax breaks for millionaires and giant industries. We need good jobs here in America. It's time to give our hard working families and small businesses a fair chance at success!
2) Do your homework
No Child Left Behind is taking money out of the classroom. Medicare Part D is costing seniors thousands of dollars. Homeland Security gutted FEMA and look what happened to New Orleans. Now the President wants to privatize our Social Security! It's time to put people in Congress who will do their homework and not support any more bad ideas.
3) Clean up after yourself
Minnesota children should be able to eat the fish they catch in our lakes, so why are we going backwards on environmental standards? We need a Congress with the courage to say "no" to George Bush. Wendy Wilde will consistently vote in favor of cleaning up our water and air, and support developing new, clean, affordable energy!
4) Always do your best
Our war in Iraq is creating more terrorists, not less. Lets reach out to other nations with positive support instead of war and destruction. America should set the highest standards for prisoner treatment, not the lowest. With new leadership in Congress we can win over our enemies and lead the world to peace.
5) Enough is enough
Enough with the partisan fighting and bickering. It's time for new leaders in Congress who will bring Americans together. Let's create a safe, prosperous, and free America for generations to come!
[Cindy Rodriguez's column below is the most truthful and objective report on 9/11 investigation that Some Of The Above News has so far seen in the mainstream media.
cindy rodríguez | staff columnist
9/11 theorists are either silly or shrewd
By Cindy Rodríguez
Denver Post Staff Columnist
Article Last Updated:10/29/2006 08:22:46 AM MST
They have been meeting in the basement of Hooked on Colfax bookstore for a year, piecing together facts they have learned about what they consider to be the biggest cover-up in American history.
They believe the federal government had a hand in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
You think they're crazy? Some of their friends think so too....
....Members of include psychologists, lawyers, civil engineers, electrical engineers, an aerospace engineer, physicists and lots of people with doctorates and master's degrees in the sciences.
They're well-read people, and they understand why people want to dismiss them. They say people want to attack them as messengers because it's too disturbing to believe the government that is supposed to protect us would orchestrate the deaths of more than 3,000 Americans....
....The year-old group has an e-mail list of about 350 people. Among them is Earl Staelin, a 66-year-old civil litigator who lives in Littleton.
He started attending the meetings, held at 7 p.m. the third Friday of every month, after watching a film about 9/11 at his church, First Universalist Church of Denver.
He said the movie made convincing arguments why researchers believe the World Trade Center towers fell by controlled demolition. About an hour after the planes hit the towers, a series of explosions was seen and heard in floors below the crash areas, and then both towers came down, each in less than 10 seconds and in a free-fall manner consistent with planned demolitions.
"It's the kind of thing that is very disturbing if it's true," Staelin told me. "The responsible thing for us to do is ask questions, but it takes a long time to get familiar with all the information to understand what happened."
He said many of his friends who are engineers didn't believe the official story, that the towers fell because burning fuel from the planes caused the steel beams of the buildings to buckle. After he showed films, such as "9-11 Mysteries: Demolitions," they came to the same conclusion: demolition experts must have planned this in advance.
Why would the government do it? The explanations are plentiful, as is the evidence that groups such as this one, which exist throughout the nation, pore over and share on such websites as .
And for those who say these groups are wacko fringe groups, think again:....
Cindy Rodríguez's column appears Tuesdays and Sundays. Read Cindy's blog at
Read entire column:
GORE VIDAL Assured Military Would Prevent Staged Terror
Literary giant says 9/11 allowed to happen, slams Bush administration coup de'tat of American freedom
Oct. 26/06
It can now be reported that a Federal Grand Jury in Virginia has indicted Israeli Spymaster Meyer Dagn on four counts of espionage, bribery, murder and RICO against the United States.
Bay Point Schools, Florida, was the launching point as the cover for the election fraud testing and....
James Petras' New Book -
By Stephen Lendman(SF Indymedia)
It was the OSP's job to cook the books, come up with the idea of weapons of mass ... In addition, it's believed its agents knew in advance about the 9/11 attack but ... USA Patriot Act passed in short order right after the 9/11 attack, ...
Scientific Poll: 84% Reject Official 9/11 Story
A monumental new scientific opinion poll has emerged which declares that only 16% of people in America now believe the official government explanation of the September 11th 2001 terror attacks....
Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Officials Question 9/11 Commission Report
Many respected senior members of the U.S. military, intelligence services, and government have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Some even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. Below are the highly revealing statements on this vital topic of over 50 prominent public servants with links for verification and further investigation.
The collective voices of these respected senior officials give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed....
To read full article and statements of senior officials: CLICK HERE
9/11 was an inside job planned and carried out by the Bush Administration. Don't believe me? Watch my videos. Site:
Special Report
GOP pedophilia and S&M trysts: A long history going back to Bush 41 and Reagan
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Google Web Alert for: Bush pedophile rings
Consiracy of Silence video, Child sex ring that reached Bush Sr's Whitehouse. ...
This as-it-happens Google Alert is brought to you by Google.
Great New WTC Science Film:
Watch it now at Google Video!
U.S. Being Awakened from Media-induced Coma by AIR
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Editor: Myra M. Jackson
I guess I'll just let you all draw your own conclusion about 16percenter...........
I know I've drawn mine......especially if he is marketing Air America.....aren't they going bankrupt?
Scares me that people really believe that the government was responsible for the World Trade Towers, especially after viewing the latest Osama tape.....and the suicide plane bombers confessions and last testatment on tape.
Those that believe that it would have to be an internal job to make the towers fall the way they did, need an engineering course....They obviously don't know how hot fuel burns.......not even those jumping to their death rather than take the heat.....can convince them.
Nice looking guy........but led astray by a few books he's read...
I'll let you all draw your own conclusions regarding 16 percenter....
I know I've drawn mine....
this part says it all:HELP STAMP OUT OVERLY-FRIENDLY
U.S. Being Awakened from Media-induced Coma by AIR
AMERICA RADIO: Find your station HERE:
aren't they bankrupt?
If Air America is our wake up call, sleep tight my friend!
19 Things the GOP Want You to Forget This Tuesday
Website with linked references:
1. Republicans want you to forget that there were no weapons of mass destruction.
2. Republicans want you to forget that while the Republican Policy Committee was opposed to the deployment of U.S. Soldiers to Bosnia under President Clinton,they’ll brand you a terrorist if you oppose President Bush’s war in Iraq.
3. Republicans want you to forget there was no yellow cake uranium.
4. Republicans want you to forget that they hired a bunch of rich thugs to lie about John Kerry in 2004.
5. Republicans want you to forget they lied about John McCain in 2000…otherwise we would have President McCain right now and not President Bush.
6. Republicans want you to forget that before attacking Afghanistan to search for Osama Bin Laden and fight the terrorists, Bush first decided we need to attack Iraq – where there were no terrorists…until we attacked and occupied Iraq.
7. Republicans want you to forget that when the Army Chief of Staff Eric Shinseki suggested that “several hundred thousand troops” would be needed to stabilize and occupy a country the size of Iraq, President Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld both derided the Army Chief of Staff. His reward for his honesty? They let him go.
8. Republicans want you to forget that they inherited the biggest surplus in the history of the United States when they controlled all three branches of the United States government in 2000 when they took power, and turned it into the largest deficit in the history of the United States.
9. Republicans want you to forget that they had a plan to attack Iraq drawn up long before 9/11.
10. Republicans want you to forget that you can’t spend any money when you are dead.
11. Republicans want you to forget that sending jobs overseas takes jobs away from working Americans.
12. Republicans want you to forget that they want your grandparents to pay as much as possible for healthcare.
13. Republicans want you to forget that they don’t want Social Security to exist at all; instead, you get whatever money you have managed to save when you retire.
14. Republicans want you to forget that a Republican President has started every war since WW2. If they can’t find enemies, they just pick a noun (drugs, terror).
15. Republicans want you to forget that they have people in their party who solicits sex from underage boys – and when they get caught, they just quit and oh darn, Congress has no authority over private citizens so now Tom Foley cannot be prosecuted.
16. Republicans want you to forget that they use racial slurs on colleagues’ voicemail. When they are caught, they say they are drunks.
17. Republicans want you to forget that fuel costs have doubled since 2000, but your income has not.
18. Republicans want you to forget that even though you are not making record profits, oil companies are.
19. Republicans want you to forget that if major companies can’t pay their bills, they can declare bankruptcy and get out of their debts, but you have to pay all of your debts even if you declare bankruptcy.
Republicans want you to forget just about everything, except for 9/11, which they did nothing to prevent.
actually republicans want you to remember there were weapons of mass destruction.......ask the kurds
actually republicans want you to remember we let John Kerry speak for himself......NO THUGS NEEDED...
I'm sure she's referring to the chemical weapons that Saddam got from the Republican presidents back in the days.
Are you ready to lose this Tuesday, Maddie?
2002, April. Saddam Hussein increases from $10,000 to $25,000 the money offered to families of Palestinian homicide bombers. The rules for rewarding homicide bombers are strict and insist that only someone who blows himself up with a belt of explosives gets the full payment. Payments are made on a strict scale, with different amounts for wounds, disablement, death as a “martyr” and $25,000 for a suicide bomber. Mahmoud Besharat, a representative on the West Bank who is handing out to families the money from Saddam, said, “You would have to ask President Saddam why he is being so generous. But he is a revolutionary and he wants this distinguished struggle, the intifada, to continue." Baghdad also trains Palestine Liberation Front members in small arms and explosives.
2002, September. Iraq is again caught trying to import high-quality aluminum tubes. These tubes are required for making uranium enrichment centrifuges. Dr. Hamza (former head of Iraq’s nuclear program), reports that Iraq already has 1.3 tons of low-enriched uranium it purchased from Brazil. Centrifuges will allow it to be enriched into fissile material. Iraq also possesses up to 10 tons of yellow-cake uranium, which has been extracted from large supplies of phosphates dotted around the country. Nuclear inspectors had been shown 162 tons of the material, but Dr Hamza said there were several other phosphate sites that were not inspected.
2002, September 5. An editorial in the Iraqi newspaper “Al-Iqtisadi”, which is owned by Saddam Hussein's eldest son Uday, called for the formation of suicide [fidaiyoon] squads to launch broad-based sabotage operations against the United States, its friends, and interests.
2002, September 9. A new report released from the International Institute for Strategic Studies, an independent research organization, concludes that Saddam Hussein could build a nuclear bomb within months if he were able to obtain enough fissile material.
2002, November 29. Pakistani Imam Syed Abdullah Bukhari addresses Delhi's muslims, saying “Islamic countries have to acquire nuclear weapons.” Bukhari is known to have, in the past, made pro-Taliban and pro-Osama Bin Laden statements.
2003, January 1. Six Iraqi women who say they or their families were brutalized by the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein called for the Iraqi leader to be indicted for war crimes and say regime change is the only way to save their desperate nation.
"The Iraqi people have been living in a state of war for 30 years," said Nazand Beghakani, a founder of the International Kurdish Women Study Network. "I'm calling on the international community to stop this war that has been forced on the Iraqi people."
The women report numerous horrors, including; the systematic beheading of innocent women belonging to families suspected of opposing Saddam's regime, and rape and the use of torture against opponents and their families as tools of intimidation.
2003, January 16. Previously undisclosed warheads for chemical weapons are discovered by UN inspectors. A joint UNMOVIC/IAEA team also find a significant cache of documents related to Iraq’s uranium enrichment program in the home of Iraqi scientist Faleh Hassan.
2003, January 29. The United Nations announces that
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