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Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Dems Who Shout Wolf

Well, well, well, when will they learn. Democrats have a very bad habit lately of convicting a person on a partial story out of the media. Pelosi yesterday asked for the resignation of Rove, as well as H. Clinton and J. Kerry. Isn't there an investigation going on?

They continually demand resignations of good Republicans who are working and doing their jobs. I only wish the Dems would do their work and quit trying to play politics with everything from the war to the Supreme Court.

Fortunately for us, once the investigations are carried through with, it is found that there was some misunderstanding or false story and the Democrats are then faced with going back to their offices to skim through more news and documents trying to find their next attack.

The only victims of these witch hunts seem to be the reporters. Just ask Dan Rather.

These false cries of wolf from the Dems are only a mere distraction. Someone should tell these guys to get to work on fixing Social Security, passing an Energy Bill. I for one am tired of my tax dollars going to pay them for weeks of ridiculous accusations. I mean come on, picking on Karl Rove. They have tried this before and it didn't work, and it won't work this time.

The Democratic party really should focus on it's own image. Howard Dean, who is travelling the country on his "shout" tour, has lied about who the Republicans are, and is constantly playing dirty politics with his hate rhetoric. Kennedy, Durbin, Pelosi, Clinton, and Kerry are also filling the air waves with their hate of the current administration. Calling the President a "liar" is so wrong and so juvenile. Continually calling for impeachments, and resignations is becoming a weekly mantra from the Dems.

The Dems who cry wolf are wasting everyone's valuable time and energy, costing our Government money, and distracting the nation from what's it focus should be on, defeating terrorism.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your nuts, why should the demacrates have to work on things we didn't screw up. also since when were political parties restricted on what they say.
also the republicans are acting very hipocritical about us not working. thing back to the year 2001. our president spent most of his first year in office relaxing and vacationing. talk about working hard.
when you say the democrates are hatfully speaking about (king) bush you should once again put your ming to work. who was it the diliberatly denonced gays and gay rights to the whole nation?
also don't say politics is not work. what you say thge demacrates are doing (second paragraph) is what politics is. back and forth of people trying to do what they feel is right.
i don't just can't under stand if you have been blinded by the control bush has been putting on the countryor your just dumb.

michael p.

p.s. i don't think your paying taxes yet.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Michele said...


Hint: Take a spelling course.

I don't ever recall Bush deliberately denouncing gay rights to the whole nation. And you call us liars. I think Bush was just protecting the union of marriage. He has gay friends and gay supporters.

You don't think I'm paying taxes yet? Well I bet I pay more than my share! No thanks to Democrats.
I'm in favor of the flat tax to make sure people like you pay your fair share.

Blinded? No, educated actually. I know from history, that it is mostly the liberal ideas put into action in government and the breaking down of a society that takes a government and it's people down.

Sorry I don't agree with you, but you are welcome to visit and speak your mind anytime!

Dumb? Maybe I am, but I am happy!

12:08 PM  
Blogger Ty Epling said...

Go get em Maddie. michael p. one of the demacrates (sic)says "i don't just can't" (sic). The double negative says alot about his chosen party. The party of NO.

Ain't bloggen kina fun! Keep musing.

3:34 PM  

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