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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Dean, Dean the Screaming Machine

"Howard Dean has spent the last year criticizing me and other candidates at every opportunity," Gephardt said. "Now, as he makes a series of embarrassing gaffes that underscore the fact he is not well equipped to challenge George Bush, he suddenly wants to change the rules of the game

"I've got some news for Howard Dean," Lieberman added. "The primary campaign is a warm-up compared to what George Bush and Karl Rove have waiting for him. . . . He's going to melt in a minute once the Republicans start going after him."


The Rocky Mountain News reports that DNC Chairman Howard Dean was in Boulder, Colorado on Thursday and "ribbed President Bush and the three Rs: Republicans, Rove and Rush: • ‘Focus on the Family? What focus on the family? If you want to focus on the family, how about raising minimum wage?’ • ‘No Child Left Behind ought to be kicked in the behind.’ • ‘I'm not going to be lectured about moral values by Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and James Dobson -- not going to happen.’" The good news is that Dean is in the clear minority.

Dean continues with his ways of alienating and name calling. He alienated his own party during the primaries, and continues with his name calling and derogatory remarks.

I have enjoyed watching this man implode. Every time he opens his mouth he gives bloggers more material. A comedian's dream.

I feel for Dems like Zell Miller, who by the way, would of carried my vote had he ever ran, they are now represented by this loud mouthed politician, who reverts back to school playground name calling to make his points.

It is so unbelievable to me, that they would pick a man like Howard Dean, to set their agenda, and control the party to which they belong.

With Howard Dean as Chair, their party continues to become more cartoonlike each day. Pelosi, Kennedy, Boxer, Kerry, Clinton, Reid, Byrd, have all fallen into the Dean school, of "if they aren't paying attention, SHOUT AS LOUD AS YOU CAN"

picture sent to me in an email joke


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maddie...this is anonymous again. I am responding to the other post just . Just as a point, that you say I par take in name calling and throwing words around like a high school kid, But this post on Howard Dean just took you so-called high road away from your own point. You see the thing that republicans are so good at is making huge things out of nothing. You should take a look at the talking points the republicans send out, I am sure you are on the list, I mean everything you have expressed in your "little blog" only endorses the statements of the White House.

The notion that you even suggest we do a lot for the world is a complete joke, yes in total dollars we do give probably more money, but that is not the point in comparison to our GDP (Gross Domestic Product) we give the least amount of money to developing nations, with the exclusion of Iraq at this moment, because that is a unique situation that is costing us more money. But in relation to the GDP, the US gives pocket change, almost nothing. What the world dislikes about America are the people with billions of dollars that are doing nothing with their money except keeping it for themselves. Well I have news for you, go read up on your history cause the 1920's are back and we are living in 1922 right now. Profits in corporations are on the rise, and no jobs are being created, maybe you read the article yesterday from the Boston Federal Reserve that reported that 5.1 million people might not be accounted for in the Unemployment figures. But, if you don't think another great depression is coming, then I recommend you to put your entire life savings in the market. I don't just blame the republicans that take the ques from corporate executives, but many democrats as well, I can't say I am happy with some of the elected democrats, but at least they are not afraid to speak for themselves, every republican on the hill repeats the same talking points that probably Rove gave to them.

I do have to ask...did you attend college? What did you study?

11:42 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

Wow! I don't get the talking points actually, but I find I have a lot in common with the Republican platform. LOL.

Yes, I do endorse the statements from the White House.

My "little blog" is just a "little blog", it's really more for my own sanity in this wild world.

The world hates people with billions of dollars? Sounds more like jealousy to me. I admire people with billions of dollars. I will say, I don't know personally many billionaires, but I do know millionaires, and I have found them to be very giving people. There acts are usually done in private, but I am amazed at the spirit of these people who care so much for others.

I think when you speak of the World, you are speaking of a few. Your world is not the world I know. Mine is so much a better place than yours.

As far as this post? I thought it was funny. It gave me my morning life. I have a rare gift of being able to amuse myself. This blog entry did the trick for me today.

Yes, I did attend college. Had a lot of fun there too. I feel I got most of my education from working 3 jobs at a time, volunteering, and playing midnight "Risk" with very outspoken and opinionated friends who take the world seriously.

I'm way ahead of you. I'm in Treasuries and Bonds, and have been since before the tech stock crash. I also invest in real estate. Also own a tent, and have taken several survival courses. Just in case. I know I'll always have a piece of real estate to pitch my tent.

Great Depression? I don't think so. I have more faith in our Country than you do. The only threat to us is an invasion or a horrific terrorist attack that could cripple us for awhile. I believe in the drive and will of the American people, and believe that we as a people are able to overcome whatever life throws at us.

There have been hard times throughout history, it is through the hard times, that heros are born, good books are written, the arts blossom, and people go places where they never thought they could go.

Have a great Anon, (my nic for you), so much shorter....hate typing that word, hard on the fingers. :)

12:49 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

I studied Environmental Resource Administration

12:50 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

I don't ever recall mentioning that I take the high road. I picked that picture, because I felt that it went very well with his statements that he made in Colorado this past week.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Michele said...


Is your name Frank? You sound like someone I know.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Ty Epling said...

Greetings oh blogger of "little blog", and anon. Frankly, this blog is doing a good job of ... blogging.

4:15 PM  

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