!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Maddie's Musings: ISRAEL MUST WIN

Tuesday, July 25, 2006




We shouldl be doing all that we can to insure the success of Israel.


Blogger Michele said...

ya, and then we can all sing kumbayah..........while dancing the hora

Why is it you liberals think that one must fight in the war to have an opinion.

and ........relieving one of our soldiers would not put him in Israel......

Think about it.........stupid? ya

5:49 AM  
Blogger mightygreekwritingmachine said...

But I'm not a liberal. I asked you to set foot in Iraq, fight it for a while or just visit. By the way, we have over 2,000 soldiers in Israel, inlcuding CIA operatives, and special strategy units.

How much world travel have you had other than buying communist produced goods in Walmart? Have you been to Darfur, Israel, Haiti, China, Vietnam, Russia, South America, North Korea, Cambodia or Cuba?

John Murtha is a great man, you are just a girl, but that's good. However, you would have to stand on your parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, W. Bush, Rumsfeld, Draft Dodger Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and your boy friend, husband, or whomever's shoulders just to kiss John Murtha's you know what, and then, you just still might not be able to reach him.

I didn't see you write anything about the dirty tricks and unkind, vicious remarks Bush made about another great hero: Sen. John McCain. You see Bush is the sort of man who has fed off the fat of the land and mooched and been guided by others, since he only had a 2.3 GPA at Yale. He got the Saudis to bail him out; the bin Ladens to help him with oil information. Jeb, his brother, is the smart one. W. just tried and tried, but he just ain't got it. I am sorry I voted for him, but I sort of figured he would end up in the dunk tank.

The ones who fight are the conservatives, the liberals are the ones who stay at home and act as if they know what's going on, and call themselves conservatives.

What you need to do, if you believe in Jesus or have true faith, is understand that HE was a liberal, so liberals are in better company than we are.

The point you made is OK--you don't have to fight in a war to have an opinion, but you do have to wake up and realize that your opinion has not saved one life and your freedom is not assured without men like John Murtha, John McCain, John Kerry. They haven't profitted from the war, Cheney, Delay, Abramoff, Wolfowitz, Pearle, Harry Reid, and few others.

Here's a question: Name the first four soldiers killed in Iraq without looking it up or asking anyone. How were they killed? What date did the Iraq police action begin? (without looking it up)

Semper Fi.


7:18 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

wow, I've been shot by a sniper!

LOL, and one who accuses me of buying communist goods from Walmart LOL.

My father was vp of Pan Am under Hallaby so i've travelled plenty...back when travelling was worthwhile....

Today, I prefer travelling our own wonderful country.

I live very close to Ft. Bragg; and am very close to several currently serving.....and have many friends with sons and daughters serving......

and I really don't think Jesus was a Michael Moore or Cindy Sheehan liberal

Murtha served ya; but that does not make him an expert......he's about as much of an expert as Cindy Sheehan. Murtha is playing politics currently, not soldier

9:20 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

Not all Democrats are lining up behind Murtha.

Fellow veteran Sen. John Kerry, who also voted for the Iraq resolution, disagrees with Murtha's call for a swift withdrawal, arguing instead for a phased withdrawal linked "to the success of the election."

But Kerry, who lost to Bush in last year's election, blasted the administration, saying that it was engaging in scare tactics by equating criticism of the war to encouraging the insurgency. (Read interview)

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

vote in the Murtha billboard poll


10:45 AM  
Blogger Mark Harvey aka Snooper said...

maddie...it is obvious that snipersays is a GOMER. LOL!!

Yeah, Murtha is a disgrace to the uniform he once wore. I guess once in DC as a politician, Semper Fidelis has no meaning.

I was "over there" for a long time. The Command structure needs to cut or troops loose and let them finish the job.

Eviscerate all terrorists. HOOAH!!

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya 21st century weapons

1:03 PM  

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