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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Young Americans on FoxNews

Pat Dollard sums it up quite well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals in Congress seem oblivious to the dangers posed by the Times' actions and that of the leakers.

Apparently to them, fighting the War on Terror is just politics as usual...

Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) said, "We are here today because there hasn't been enough red meat thrown at the Republican base..."

Rep. John D. Dingell, (D-MI), claimed Republicans were simply trying to"stifle criticism of the administration."

But the most ludicrous statement came from Rep Jane Harman (D-CA) who said; "If anyone wants to live in a society where journalists are thrown in prison, I encourage them to move to Cuba, China or North Korea to see if they feel safer."

Rep. Harman badly misses the point!

No one is disputing the fact that the leakers of the terrorist finance tracking program BROKE the LAW. If the Times' reporters and editors associated with this story reveal the identity of these leakers, they won't go to jail.

Does Harman actually believe that the United States has a history of arbitrarily throwing reporters in prison?
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